Health & Wellness Resources

Wellness Resource Guide for Undergraduates

School is an exciting and life-changing experience. There are lots of ups, but sometimes there are downs. Know where to go for help if you or a friend are feeling uneasy, unwell, or want to talk to someone.

Headspace for Wharton Undergrads

Headspace offers easily accessible, confidential mental healthcare right from your smartphone.  Access hundreds of meditations and courses and get one-on-one guidance from coaches when a little more support is needed.

Peer Wellness Coaching

This free and preventative service features Peer Wellness Coaches who are trained to offer 1-1 coaching to students. You will feel heard, supported, and empowered after coaching. Moreover, you will be clearer about your wellness goals, make action plans toward those goals, and be kept accountable by your coach.

Student Counseling

Student Health and Counseling provides professional psychological and psychiatric services to students who need support in fulfilling their academic, social, and personal objectives. SHC directly supports student mental health through counseling, crisis management, consultation, education and outreach, and training. Students with urgent concerns can talk with a SHC clinician 24/7 at 215.898.7021 (press 1) or visit the main office at 3624 Market Street during business hours.

In addition, SHC clinician Ashley Straub, LCSWR (she/her), has time dedicated each week for working with Wharton undergrads. You can call the number above and identify yourself as a Wharton student seeking to see Ashley.

Student Health

Student Health and Counseling provides students with accessible, cost-effective, culturally-sensitive, and student-focused healthcare, including care for acute and chronic health problems, preventive health services, and health and wellness education.

Penn Recreation

Penn offers many opportunities for students to participate in competitive team sports and stay physically fit at state-of-the-art, world-class training centers

Student Disabilities Services

The Office of Student Disabilities Services works closely with students who self-identify in order to ensure equal access to all University programs activities and services.

Alcohol and Other Drug Program Initiatives (AOD)

AOD works to reduce harm related to alcohol and other drug use at Penn.

Financial Wellness @ Penn

Provides personal finance education, tools, and resources to enhance students’ financial well-being.

Penn Violence Prevention (PVP)

PVP engages the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and sexual harassment on campus. PVP provides education and outreach and the staff serves as confidential resources for students.

Public Safety

From riding your bike on campus, to preventing unattended theft, the Division of Public Safety wants to make sure you have the information you need to protect your safety and your belongings.

Wharton Wellness

This Division-sponsored student organization works to implement initiatives targeted at specific wellness issues in the Wharton community by creating experiences, fostering a positive culture of well-being, and connecting clubs/students to wellness resources.