World Research Assistantship Program (WRAP)

Summer 2024 Program Description

What is the World Research Assistantship Program?

The World Research Assistantship Program (WRAP) gives Wharton undergraduate students the opportunity to serve as a research assistant at any university outside of Penn and conduct business-related research for 8-12 weeks during the summer months. Students will work under the guidance of a research advisor. Projects will culminate in an oral presentation and written reflection paper.

Participants will receive a taxable award of up to $6,000 for approved travel and lodging expenses¹– to be paid in two installments, with the second installment to be disbursed in the fall after the written research summary, blog, and research poster are properly submitted and approved by the Wharton Undergraduate Division.

What are the program requirements?

Participants will assist in a research project at a university for 8-12 weeks during the summer months under the guidance of a research advisor at the institution. Participants are also expected to do the following:

  • Have the research advisor at the institution send a Wharton faculty advisor (identified by the student) and the director of research and scholars programs a description of the research project and the nature of the role you will play in that research by the spring semester deadline (TBD).
  • Spend a minimum of 20 hours per week engaged in the research project and not accept alternative employment exceeding 20 hours per week or take more than one concurrent course during the summer.
  • Submit a written research summary describing the nature of the research project, your activities in support of that project, and possible implications for undergraduate research at Wharton on or before September 15.
  • Submit a blog post to communicate your research experience and/or findings to a broader audience (e.g., stewardship and web promotion).
  • Present your research at a symposium in the fall or spring semester after your research summer.

In order to receive the second award installment, the research summary, blog, and all other requirements must be submitted to the Undergraduate Division on or before September 15. Non-compliance with program deadlines and expectations above could result in forfeiture of the award.

How do students apply?

All Wharton undergraduates in good standing are eligible. WRAP is only open to Wharton students.

Applicants must have a Wharton faculty member serve as their faculty advisor who can provide guidance on the proposed project and make a connection on behalf of the student with an appropriate university or think tank abroad. NOTE: Applicants should not reach out to any institutions before application decisions are made. After acceptance into the program, participants will work with their faculty advisors to make connections abroad.

For information to assist in identifying a faculty advisor with expertise in your area of interest, please visit the Wharton faculty profiles >>

A successful proposal should generally include a compelling, well-thought-out concept, evidence of strong academic achievement by the applicant, and an outstanding essay.

Apply Now

The application deadline is February 12, 2025.

Where can I get more information?

For more information about the program, first review the WRAP FAQ. If you have additional questions, you may contact Dr. Utsav Schurmans, Director of Research and Scholars Programs (, 215-898-0285).

¹ Monetary awards constitute taxable income. If you are a U.S. citizen, taxes will not be withheld from your award, but you will receive a 1099 tax form from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of the year for tax reporting purposes. If you are an international student, the University will withhold 30% of your award amount for tax purposes, barring any tax treaties that may exist with your home country. International students can find information about Penn’s tax policies at the Office of the Comptroller.

“With complete freedom over where you go, when, what you study, and with whom – and experiencing it all alone, I can surely say WRAP is the most unique summer program I’ve ever heard of.” Read more

Anushka Kulkarni, WRAP 2023, Italy

“Overall, living in Perth and working alongside research fellows and PhD students … was an absolute once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you have any research interest in any topic, I cannot recommend enough to apply to WRAP.” Read more

Gloria Cheng, WRAP 2023, Australia

“Going to a foreign country, not as a tourist but as a researcher and ambassador for Wharton and Penn, is a fantastic opportunity that I had the pleasure of experiencing through Wharton’s WRAP.” Read more

Xavier Hill, WRAP 2023, France

“I cannot emphasize how life-changing WRAP was for me this summer, for my academic and personal growth. I recommend anyone with a passion or interest in a research subject or country to apply.” Read more

Kaya Holmes, WRAP 2022, Japan

“It was a great experience as a first-year who wasn’t sure about what I wanted to pursue. I was able to explore my interest in entrepreneurship, develop valuable skills, and learn from people who were deeply engaged in the subject. ” Read more

Shraavasti Bhat, WRAP 2022, Spain