Course Registration for External Transfer Students

Course Selection Period

Once you have your PennKey and access to Path@Penn, you may add or drop courses in real time.  You will know immediately if seats in the course(s) are available and if you have been enrolled. Course requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis during the Course Selection Period.

Note that the Path@Penn online registration system will close July 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET and reopen on July 23 at 7:00 a.m. ET. After that, you may continue to adjust your course schedule until the Course Selection Period ends in mid September.

Course Selection

You can search for courses using Course Search and Carts in Path@Penn. The Course Search tool will provide you with the ability to search for courses, view details on individual courses, and save the courses you find most interesting. You can then use your primary and alternative carts to assist with planning your course schedule.

Wharton students are limited to a maximum of 5.5 course units (CUs) for the first semester. A typical course load for your first semester is 4.5-5 CUs. You should speak with your advisor about what your optimal course load should be given your academic and co-curricular goals.  Do not register for any courses on an audit or pass/fail basis (other than WH 1010). All courses must be taken for a normal (letter) grade in the first semester after enrollment at Penn. Undergraduate students are not permitted to register for courses on an audit basis.

See the requirements section for information about the courses you should be requesting during the course selection period for the fall semester.

Registration Tips

Some courses have two required parts with different section numbers—a lecture and recitation section. You must request both sections in order to have a valid registration request. When registering, request the credit-bearing section before the non-credit-bearing section.

Do not request courses with overlapping scheduled times.  Time conflicts are not permitted; the registration system will block your enrollment in one of the courses if you request courses with time conflicts.