If you can’t find the answer to your question on this page, please feel free to email undergradinfo@wharton.upenn.edu.
What is the application process for internal transfer/dual degree?
If I take 3 CUS one semester and 5 CUs in another, does that satisfy the 4 CUs per semester requirement?
The requirement is 4 CUs per semester. It is not an average. So, if you only take 3 CUs one semester, you will not be eligible.
Does the cumulative GPA include the semester when I apply?
The eligibility GPA includes all semesters completed by the time you apply. So, if you apply at the end of your second semester in May 2024, your cumulative GPA would include grades from fall 2023 and spring 2024.
What if I have AP, IB scores that count as waivers, credits or transfer credit to fulfill the requirements?
If you have received an AP or IB score that counts as a course waiver or yields a credit for a course or you have transfer credit for a required course, you do not need to retake those courses. Transfer credit and AP/IB scores or credits must appear on the student’s record before the application is submitted.
Note that AP/IB scores will appear under “Testing” in your student profile (see example below with a highlighted AP score of 5 that will satisfy the ECON 0200 requirement):
Will STAT 1110 fulfill the statistics requirement?
Will EAS 2030 fulfill the LGST 1000/1010 requirement?
If I have credit for MATH 1410 or a higher MATH class, will that fulfill the Calculus requirement?
The Wharton curriculum requires credit or a waiver for MATH 1400 or 1070, and that credit or waiver must be posted to a student’s record prior to application for them to be eligible to apply for internal transfer for dual degree. Higher MATH courses cannot be substituted. See the Department of Mathematics website for more information on how to receive credit for MATH 1400 or equivalent and direct questions to that Department, if needed.
If I took STAT 1110 and MATH 1410, can I take STAT 4300 and 4310 to fulfill the statistics requirement?
Yes, students who have completed MATH 1410 are eligible to take STAT 4300 and 4310 for the Business Fundamentals sequence instead of STAT 1020 and another higher-level statistics course.
Can I take classes at Penn during the summer to fulfill the requirements?
Students can take required courses over the summer as long as those courses are completed prior to applying for entry into Wharton. This means that students applying in the spring for fall term entry cannot take required courses in the summer after their application has been submitted.
Can I take classes at another university to fulfill the requirements?
What if I will have an incomplete grade on my transcript because I need to take a make-up exam?
A student who has an incomplete grade because they need to take a make-up exam at the start of the following semester is permitted to apply. Should this student be accepted, there will be contingencies on the acceptance such as a minimum final grade in a required course and a cumulative GPA that remains above the required minimum. All contingencies will be detailed in the email notifying the student of their admissions decision.
What if I took a class P/F that is not allowed to be P/F for Wharton students?
If you previously took a course that cannot be taken P/F because it is a Wharton requirement, you will need to take an alternate course in standard grade mode to complete the requirement. In the case of Business Fundamentals and courses that count as First-Year Foundations, the grade will be uncovered and be applied to your GPA.
For courses that are considered during the admission process, grades will be uncovered for the committee review but only uncovered on the student’s record if they are accepted into Wharton.
What if I am also applying to HCM, M&T or LSM?
You will need to submit an application to Wharton in addition to your HCM, M&T, or LSM application. You should apply to Wharton as if this was your only dual-degree application. If you are accepted by HCM, M&T, or LSM, Wharton will withdraw your application.
Can I meet with a Wharton advisor to plan my application or course plan?
No. Wharton advisors are only available to advise current Wharton students and cannot meet with prospective students to discuss the Wharton curriculum or an application to join Wharton. Advisors also will not answer emails from prospective students about Wharton requirements or planning.
Prospective students applying to internally transfer or add a Wharton degree should plan to attend one of the scheduled info sessions in advance of the application deadline. Those sessions include Q&A time for applicants to get their questions answered.
How do I know what classes to register for next semester if I don't know whether I have been accepted yet?
This is a matter that you should discuss one-on-one with an advisor in your home school.
Generally, you should register for courses that meet requirements in your current program of study. If you are accepted, you will be assigned a Wharton advisor who will help you adjust your schedule for your changed program.
Should I submit letters of recommendation and/or a résumé?
No. The admissions committee will not review letters of recommendation or résumés.
How many seats are available for internal transfer and dual degree?
The number of seats available varies each semester depending on our current student enrollment.
When can I expect to find out if I've been accepted?
If I am admitted, what requirements will I have to take to catch up?
All accepted students must enroll in WH 1010 in the fall semester immediately following their acceptance. Admitted rising sophomores must complete BEPP 2500 or ECON 2100 by the end of their sophomore year.
If I am not admitted, can I apply again?
Yes, as long as you meet the requirements.