The policies and procedures on this page apply to Wharton undergraduate student organizations. Policy violations will be addressed through a student-group accountability process beginning with a conversation between organization leaders and Division staff. Failure to follow policies can result in freezing of Wharton Council and non-Wharton Council funds for 3 months to a full semester (excluding summer months). Information about the violations and resulting penalties will also be shared with Wharton Council and the Office of Student Affairs.
Vendors/suppliers that frequently work with the University of Pennsylvania are on Penn’s purchase order system. If a vendor is on the purchase order (PO) system, a purchase order should be used for payment.
- All PO system vendors/suppliers¹
- Approved apparel/promotional-item vendors/suppliers (Use of other vendors is prohibited.)
- Preferred caterers
To pay a vendor that is on the PO system, please follow these steps:
- Request a quote/invoice from the vendor. Please make sure the quote does not include tax.
- Complete and submit a Purchase Order Request Form at least 3 days before the day of the event. (You will need to upload the quote as well as an event flyer or attendees list)
- The Undergraduate Division will process the request and provide you with a PO number that you must then provide to the vendor.
Please keep in mind that meal limits for student organizations are $25 (breakfast/lunch) and $45 (dinner) per person including tip, tax, and delivery.
Purchases $250 and under can be made through reimbursement using the Concur system; however, tax will not be reimbursed if the vendor is on the PO system.
¹ Campus Copy is on the PO system, but you should instead provide the code—192—directly to a Campus Copy representative. When picking up the order, Campus Copy will give you a yellow receipt; write the club name and your name on the receipt, take a picture, and send it to and copy and your treasurer.