All students graduate from Wharton with a bachelor of science in economics; however, each student is required to choose a concentration, which consists of four upper-level courses that explore a particular area of business in depth.
The timeline is flexible, but students may first declare a concentration the second semester of sophomore year after they have completed the majority of the Business Fundamental courses. Students can change their concentration at any time and can design an individualized concentration if they cannot find a standard one that aligns with their interests.
Students can complete a maximum of two concentrations. In most cases, students use three Unrestricted Electives to take courses toward their second concentration. One course in the second concentration can double-count as a Business Breadth. Students cannot count courses toward more than one concentration.
Concentration courses must be taken at the University of Pennsylvania and may not be taken pass/fail. Students must earn at least a 2.5 GPA in the four courses counted toward their concentration(s).
For more detailed information on each concentration, please click on the links below. Students should also review the FAQ, which provides tips and advice. To declare or change a concentration, students should speak to an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Division.
Concentration Options
- Accounting
- Behavioral Economics
- Business Analytics¹
- Business Economics & Public Policy¹
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Environmental, Social and Governance Factors for Business (specializations in Business, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability and Social and Governance)¹
- Finance¹
- Health Care Management & Policy
- Leading Across Differences
- Legal Studies & Business Ethics
- Management (specializations in Multinational Management, Organizational Effectiveness, and Strategic Management)
- Marketing
- Marketing & Communication (dual concentration)³
- Marketing & Operations Management
- Operations, Information & Decisions (tracks in Decision Processes, Information Systems, and Operations Management/Management Science)¹
- Real Estate
- Retailing (second concentration only)²
- Statistics and Data Science¹
- Individualized
¹ These are STEM-designated concentrations that will offer extended OPT to students with F1 visas. Visit the ISSS website for more information.
² This concentration may not be used as a primary or sole concentration.
³ In this dual concentration, students complete a primary concentration in marketing with a special second concentration in communication for a total of 8 CUs.