Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony Volunteer Application If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for the Wharton Undergraduate Graduation Ceremony, please review the information below and submit this application by Sunday, April 7. Volunteers must: Attend a training, 9-11am, on either Thursday, May 16, or Friday, May 17, depending on your volunteer assignment. (Please keep both days open.) Work at the graduation ceremony 7am -12pm on Sunday, May 19, at The Palestra. That’s it! The rest of your time from the end of finals until May 19 at noon will be your own. In return for your volunteer service, the Wharton Undergraduate Division will pay your room extension fees if you live in campus housing (College Houses). Please note – if you do not fulfill the time commitments above, we will not pay for your housing. Name* First Last PennID*Class Year* 2027 2026 2025 Do you currently live on campus?* Yes No Email* Cell Phone*Have you volunteered for graduation before?* Yes No What role did you serve?Why do you want to volunteer?*(e.g., need a way to stay on campus longer, have a friend who is graduating—this will help us assign students to appropriate positions)Agreements* I understand that I must attend a training on either Thursday, May 16, or Friday, May 17, 9-11am, depending on my volunteer assignment, and I will keep both days open. I understand that I must work at the graduation ceremony from 7am to 12pm on Sunday, May 19, at The Palestra. In order to submit your request, please check the boxes to indicate your acknowledgment of the statements above.CAPTCHA Δ