Return from Leave of Absence

Students who are on an approved or mandated leave of absence and who wish to resume their studies at the University of Pennsylvania for the upcoming semester should review these policies and use the form below.

Policies and Deadlines

Students should refer to their leave of absence approval letter for information on their return, including dates and conditions. The deadlines for submitting a request to return are as follows: July 15 for the fall term, November 15 for the spring term, and April 1 for the summer term. Please note, however, that students who wish to participate in advance registration for the semester in which they are planning to return should submit their request two weeks prior to the advance registration period (refer to the Penn Academic Calendar for specific dates).

In addition to the information above, please note the following policies:

  • Students who have holds on their record must have these holds cleared before their return can be approved. Holds may be placed by Student Health and Counseling, the Office of Student Conduct, or Student Financial Services, and students are responsible for contacting the respective offices directly.
  • All incurred financial obligations to the University must be fulfilled. Students on leave of absence will not be officially returned to the University until financial matters are addressed and resolved.
  • Students who were not in good academic standing at the time of the leave of absence request will return to the same academic standing status they held (i.e., Probation or Drop Warning) when they left.
  • Students returning from Mandatory Leave of Absence or First Drop may take four (4) course units (CUs) and must earn at least a 2.0 term GPA with no I, F, W, or GR grades in the semester they return.
  • Students cannot receive Penn transfer credit for courses taken at another institution while on leave of absence.
  • Per the Sunset Policy, students must complete all baccalaureate degree requirements within eight years of their original date of matriculation. Students who do not complete their degree requirements within this time frame will be withdrawn from the University.

Students returning from a leave taken due to medical reasons should also note the following policies:

  • Students will be required to submit evidence they are ready to resume their studies and rejoin the campus community.  Such evidence includes documentation from the student’s health care provider as well as consultation with Student Health and Counseling as appropriate. Detailed information regarding the necessary documentation and conditions of the leave that must be met prior to returning are provided in the student’s leave of absence confirmation letter.
  • Students will be eligible to resume their studies at Penn only after they demonstrate that it is medically appropriate to do so, as determined by the University, and provided they comply with the conditions set by Student Health and Counseling and the Wharton Undergraduate Division.


To return from leave of absence, students should follow these steps:

  1. Submit the LOA Return form below by the designated deadline as outlined above. Once the return from leave of absence request has been approved, you will receive a confirmation letter outlining the terms of your return and any conditions that must be met.
  2. Meet with a Wharton advisor to discuss your reintegration into the University setting, your course plans for the semester of return, your plans for completion of your degree requirements, and use of University resources and support services as appropriate.
  3. Review and follow the steps provided on the SFRS Returning to Penn Checklist as necessary.


If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please contact