Trips Sponsored by Student Organizations

Wharton undergraduate student organizations that are sponsoring a trip should review the information below before any travel planning begins.

Domestic Trips

When your travel dates are set: Notify the Undergraduate Division about your trip by completing the Club Trip Notification Form.

No later than two weeks prior to the trip departure date: Have each trip participant complete and submit an Acknowledgement of Risks & Hold Harmless Agreement form (via email or drop off at the SHDH 1400 front desk).

International Trips

For the safety and security of students traveling abroad, there are many University policies that a club must follow when sponsoring an international trip. Please carefully review and follow the steps below when planning your group’s trip.

Note: Undergraduate students traveling to heightened risk regions, as defined by Penn Global, must submit a petition for travel approval. Do not continue with the process below until you are approved. Instructions to submit a petition can be found here.


The following policies apply to low- or variable-risk international travel:

  • Trips may not take place on academic days including class days, reading days, and exam days.
  • The full itinerary, including accommodations and any travel outside of the designated trip location, must be pre-approved by Risk Management. Please also note the following:
    • Club Funds cannot be used for AirBnB, VRBO, or similar.
    • In most cases, students will be required to stay together. Exceptions can only be made by Risk Management.
  • At least two travelers must complete a pre-departure “Trip Leader Training” with Risk Management.
  • All travelers must attend a pre-departure orientation with Risk Management.
  • All travelers must sign an Acknowledgement of Risks & Hold Harmless Agreement form.
  • All travelers must fly to/from the destination as a group.
    • Flights must be purchased through Concur (World Travel) in order to use club funds
    • Airport pick-up must be vetted by ISOS. In some locations, groups must hire a private shuttle service in advance.
  • All travelers must carry a working cell phone with international data plan (not WiFi only).
  • Students may not drive any motor vehicles abroad.
  • Trip leaders must contact Risk Management upon arrival and upon return.

International Trip Registration Process

  1. Notify the Undergraduate Division about your trip by completing the Club Trip Notification Form.
  2. Schedule and complete a trip leader training with two student travelers and Jaime Molyneux, Senior Director of Global Safety, as soon as possible.
  3. Schedule and complete a pre-departure orientation for all travelers with Jaime Molyneux.
  4. No later than two weeks prior to the trip departure date:


Here are some guides you might find helpful as you prepare for your international trip:

If any issues arise during your trip, please contact International SOS at +1.215.942.8478.

Recommendations and Reminders

  • Select flights that arrive/depart from non-U.S. locations during daylight hours.
  • Avoid protests and demonstrations.
  • Remember that, as members of a Wharton club, you represent the School and University and should conduct yourselves responsibly, respectfully, and courteously at all times.