Wharton Mentorship Opportunities

Mentorship relationships are an integral part of the Wharton experience. Mentors can provide guidance as students transition onto campus, consider career opportunities, and enter the working world. They also are a great source for general life advice. Mentoring relationships at Wharton can provide opportunities to connect with upper-level students, MBAs, and alumni. The Wharton Undergraduate Division sponsors the three opportunities listed below. Please note that each program assigns mentorship pairs at the beginning of the fall semester, so students should be on the lookout for more information then.

First Year

The Wharton Cohort Mentorship Program connects incoming first-year and sophomore (transfer and added-degree) students with upper-level students who help with the transition to Wharton and Penn by answering questions and sharing personal experiences and insight. This program is intended to be flexible, and mentors and mentees find times to meet that fit both of their schedules. Throughout the school year, a variety of events are offered to encourage ongoing dialogue and strengthen connections.

Junior & Senior Years

Wharton GUIDE is dedicated to fostering meaningful relationships between undergraduates and MBAs through mentorship. Mentorship pairs are intended to last the duration of the upper-level student experience, with you and your mentor supporting one another into the next steps of your careers.